Case study


An attractive landing page with scroll animations to encourage medical professionals to sign up to Philicias travel-nursing app.

“Danny was great to worked with! He clearly explained everything to me. He was a great resource and helped guide my thinking. He did such a great job on the landing page and the animations I wanted! I’m looking forward to working with him again!”

Philicia Kosseh
Critical Care Registered Nurse -- New York, United States

Philicia is a hard-working, qualified nurse based in New York, USA. Through her work, she noticed a gap in the market for an app that would make it easier for traveling medical professionals to find recruitment. But before Philicia could start with development, she needed to gain confidence and evidence that this was a real market need. So, Philicia wanted an attractive landing page with animations and illustrations where she could capture emails of people that are interested.

The email signup form allows Philicia to capture the emails of anyone interested in the idea. These emails are then forwarded to her MailChimp (a marketing automation platform and email marketing service), where she can send updates, information, and email campaigns.

Philicia was adamant that the design needed to be “fun but professional”, and wanted some animations in the about page. So I added some “snap scroll”, alternating colours, and subtle text animations. I think it looks pretty good!
